What you value shines through in the amount of investment your willing to take on in it. What are you willing to give up? What are you willing to give? The time your willing to use and the cost of these things is a part of showing who you are and what you value.
There is no total money makeover for the cost of relationships. The cost of your time and financial just can not be cut to invest in the people in your lives. They are to important. The money and time your willing to spend comes from a bank of what you believe and value.
A good friend sent me an email with 37 odd questions to answer about my
self and then forword it on to a few more friends. I really saw it as another one of those many silly emails I recieve forwarded on to people. I took the time though to stop and write in the answers to this fun email and forwarded on to a few others.
I had no idea the response I would get would show me something about people I never knew. It's funny how when you have established trust with someone and ask them what is really going on in their lives how they will tell you.
That's when you have the chance to invest from that bank of what you value and make the effort to be Jesus hands and feet. You get the chance to "live like your the only impression of Jesus they will ever see."
Fruit: Love
Song in my head: Brown eyed girl - Van Morrison
Verse: 1John 4:16 And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in him. 17In this way, love is made complete among us so that we will have confidence on the day of judgment, because in this world we are like him.
A mentor is someone who "mentors" another person. A mentor usually has more experience or knowledge and is training or teaching someone with less experience or knowledge. Perhaps a friend is at a more equal level. Both a mentor and a friend require an investment of time and energy. Jesus called his disciples his friends, considering them to be at his level as far as knowing what he learned from God - "I no longer call you servants ... instead, I have called you friends." John 15:15
I think Jesus was both a mentor and a friend. He knew more than this disciples but he was also a friend.
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