Thursday, August 13, 2009

Tips for Losing weight on a dime

I always used to think it costs too much money to lose weight. I thought of all the programs like Weight watchers, Jenny Craig and Nutri System and found they just didn't fit into my budget. Expensive personal trainers with gym memberships just seemed impossible to afford.

How could I afford to eat healthy and exercise without those programs and a personal trainer or gym membership? I decided that not trying to be more healthy was not an option so I had to figure out creative ways to be healthy on a very limited budget.

I decided to start to work with what I had going for me. I started by looking at all my activities I did during a normal day to see where I could find that exercise I needed to be healthy and lose weight without spending money.

I found that my job five days a week of 7 and half hours of sitting at a desk, talking on the phone, using the computer didn’t burn a whole lot of calories. So I thought it through and thought what if I stand while working? I found that I could burn 300 more calories for my weight by doing my same job standing for 6 of those working hours.

For my job it was an easy transition to start standing and so I did and found I was more alert and actually doing my job better. That started me thinking of how else I could burn more calories during my work day.

I had two 15 minute breaks and a 30 minute lunch to consider. So I decided to start taking a walk on my breaks and I kept an eye open for other opportunity for exercise during the work day. This was when I discovered there was parking garage right next to my building I could burn some serious calories on.

There are six stories of ramps going up that make a great low impact powerful power walk up. I found that I could do it once on my 15 minute breaks and twice on my lunch half hour and still have 5 minutes or so to use restroom, eat and such.

My secret has been to stay to the right while walking in the parking garage to keep safe because people tend to drive slower on the way up than the way down. It has been a sacrifice give up that time on breaks to exercising but I have found that I feel so much better that it makes it worth it by losing weight.

I found having this exercise plan also benefits me costing less by taking my lunch to work and has me thinking ahead about how many calories I am eating.

Since I love to multitask I also found that I could also make call backs on my cell phone, check quick emails, and pray all while taking my hike up the parking garage. It's amazing what you can do if your determined.

Next I looked at my time outside of work and got online. I looked for opportunity to get exercise in fun ways. There are so many things to do if you just consider your area and look online.

I found Churches with Volleyball, Tennis, Softball and hiking opportunity that could be great place not only to exercise but meet some great new friends. I decided to try my hand out at Tennis and some Hiking to start and its been great.

Another place I found to get some exercise was to walk to the supermarket about a mile from my house instead of driving. Another plus to this is that you really get to see the area you live in differently on foot than driving. It's like seeing your world from another perspective. You might even find a hidden treasure of a little park nearby.

It's all about thinking about little ways to add some exercise in like when parking at a mall or supermarket far away under a shady tree instead of circling the parking lot for that spot up close.

Having found these free opportunies for exercise I looked to my food. I decided to start counting some calories more and really looking at the menu when I have to eat out. I had to have some sweet things to fulfill me but needed it to be with less calories.

I started looking for alternatives to help with cost and calories for my favorite foods. I found that I could find some serious deals for food if I looked at the ads and also at the dollar store.

The dollar store has these wonderful Lemon and Cherry flavored Italian Ice's that are only 80 calories each and you get 4 for just a dollar. I also found some great deals from supermarket ads. I found some plums for about 25 cents each on sale. I also found some great coupons online and on supermarket shelves. I got soymilk for 1.25 with coupon.

There are lots of creative ways you can look at food but it is all about being reasonable and knowing your calorie intake verses what your burning in calories. I found a great website that really helps with those calcuations.

My only advice with this website is to not click on the links to the right on this website because they are all ads. Try to stick to the tabs at the top of the web pages and you will figure it out. It takes a bit of time to figure out how to use the site but once you figure it out you have a goldmine of info for losing weight.

I just started this free diet and health plan two weeks ago and have already lost 7 pounds. It really seems to be working so far. I will let you know how it goes from here but it literally is costing me less to live and giving me a healthy lifestyle.

Part of this has been about having a positive attitute and a change in your mind and heart about how you think about exercise and food. I know it is tough to be disciplined but it seems that finding healthy habits are forming.
It feels good to do the right thing. Even if you fail from time to time. You just have to get back up on your feet again. I am hoping by sharing this that you could find some tips from what I have learned to hopefully help you find hope in your health journey aswell. If you have any other ideas please share them with me.

Fruit: JOY
Song in my head: Peace like a river
Verse: Isaiah 54: 2 "Enlarge the place of your tent, stretch your tent curtains wide, do not hold back; lengthen your cords, strengthen your stakes. 4 "Do not be afraid; you will not suffer shame. Do not fear disgrace; you will not be humiliated. You will forget the shame of your youth 10 Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed," says the LORD, who has compassion on you.17 no weapon forged against you will prevail,

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