Thursday, January 29, 2009

Fish kisses

Sometimes I feel like Im a fish swimming quickly to the surface for a breath of life to releave the stress of holding my breath when I hit something.

I hit a clear window just before I get to the surface. It doesn't allow me to get to the clear blue sky that I can see through the window just before air above the water. I know if I could just get past it I would breathe again easily and have some relief.

Yet again I have to keep holding my breath sitting there waiting for that window to open. It seems like a cruel joke of God for that window to be clear because it lets me see the world above that could releave me just above the waters I'm swimming in.

It holds me back. It's hard to be so close to see through the water, through the window and have to turn back realizing the window isn't open for me to swim through so I can catch my breath. I just have to keep holding my breath swimming and praying that I have the breath and strength inside me to keep swimming.

As I am at my last swimming and feeling exhausted and weary is when I realize that I have to pray for the breath of God to breathe new life into me. I can't survive on my own as a fish in this sea. Maybe it's all about stopping swimming and just being still looking for that spirit of God to give me some mouth to mouth resitation.
Only a God who loves me would kiss this fish with a breath of life and give it away without any cost. Jesus never ceases to amaze me. He sits calmly by while we are swimming just patiently waiting for us to stop and embrace the peace He has for us.
Fruit: Peace
Song in my head: Savior Please - Josh Wilson
Verse: Luke 24:41 - 40When he had said this, he showed them his hands and feet. 41And while they still did not believe it because of joy and amazement, he asked them, "Do you have anything here to eat?" 42They gave him a piece of broiled fish, 43and he took it and ate it in their presence.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the note Michele. I am doing good. Just finishing up one more month of work and getting things done for my visa. Really excited for my next season of life!