Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Tragic cookie news...

I got an email while at work today titled “sad tragic news”. I was thinking... oh no, which airlines went out of business this time.. was there another tragic earthquake… another volcano in Equador..
What world disaster could await at the opening of this email?

14 Tons of spilled Oreo cookies snarl traffic
It was a cookie crisis! I laughed out loud when I opened it and saw the headline. A Oreo cookie driver fell asleep a the wheel and spilled the cookies! Here is the story http://www.komoradio.com/news/offbeat/19069879.html
With all the tragic news in the news today it was good to have a laugh. Everything in the news @expedia effects travel. We are always first to find out about major world events. The politics causing riots in Africa, volcano in Equador erupting, earthquake 7.8 in China, and now cookies in crisis. We have to laugh or else we would cry at the reality of our world today.

Oreos are my second favorite cookie. My favorites are my recipe of “Chocolate Chip Crunch Cookies” that I love to bake. I will have to bake some to surprise my small group sometime soon.

Fruit: Love
Song in my head: Something to say – Matthew West
Verse: Psalm 16:8-9 I have set the Lord always before me, Because he is at my right hand, I will not be shaken. Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body will also rest secure.

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