Thursday, June 12, 2008

Good morning madam

This morning I had to ask the question. "Am I thankful for those little things God blesses me with everyday?". Here I am wanting " " and waiting for " " but am I faithful to take in today's blessings?

This morning like almost every morning I pulled in and parked my car and said a little prayer for a moment before getting out. As with most mornings the odd security guard for my building is right there by my car when I open my eyes.

He smiles and says to me as I walk towards my building "Good Morning Madam" and does a little bow. In grand tradition I always smile and say "good morning sir". His formal greeting has always made me smile. It has a sense of chivlry.

It struck me this morning how much of a blessing this man is and I didn't even know his name. The safety he provides in the quiet dark downtown streets at 4 in the morning is such a blessing. He doesn't have to greet me like I am a queen every morning but he does. So this morning I broke tradition this morning and I asked his name.

I am thankful for the "last ones". There is a song by Matthew West called "last ones " about a little girl named Taylor who is a "special needs child" who sees "something beautiful" in people not everyone would. The song goes "Maybe the last ones are the lucky ones, The ones who got this whole thing figured out 'Cause when they go looking for something beautiful They start looking from the inside out". I think the true heros of the world are those that can see from the inside out.

Hearing the song about her has reminded me of another "Special guy" who once helped me. It was one of my toughest days in college. I had just failed yet another Math test and was feeling defeated. I was exhausted having just returned from a Mexico Mission trip and running late for work.

I was walking up one of the very steep hills at Mt. San Antonio College in Walnut California. At my limit physically and in my hurry of leaving class I had left my back pack unzipped. I shuffled up the hill and tripped falling sideways skining my knee. My backpack went flying and my papers and supplys went everywhere. With tears in my eyes I stopped and just stared as the papers sailing away. Students were rushing past me ignoring my fall and I was ready to give up.

That's when this boy who I didn't know came running up to me and took my elbow and escorted me to a bench and said "sit". Blindly, still feeling confused I followed him and sat down. That is when I saw the sweetest picture of Jesus in him. It was then that I noticed he was one of the "last ones". He had down syndrome. I watched him pick up all my papers and books. He set my backpack down next to me, smiled and walked away.

He asked nothing of me but just showed incredible kindness. I remember tears flowing when I got to my car that day. I wasn't crying because of my day any longer but just overwhelmed by the sweet humble gesture that it was. I want people like Taylor and this boy in my life. I want to be like them.. one of the lucky ones. "The ones who've got this whole thing figured out and so Maybe the next time we go looking for beautiful we'll try looking from the inside out".
Some things I am thankful for today:
The Security Guard named Manuel
The chocolate fountain buffet a hotel vendor brought to my work today :)
The beautiful blue sky and white puffy clouds that finally came out
A encouraging text message
A package that arrived on my back porch
Volleyball with friends tonight

Fruit: Love & Gentleness
Song in my Head: Last ones - Matthew West
Verses: Mark 10:43 Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must
be your servant, 44and whoever wants to be first must be slave of all.
Matthew 5:5 Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Right now, I am applying with Foursquare to go to Africa. I am moving home a week from today. I am planning to spend a few months raising support and what not and then going to Africa sometime in November or December.